
“The quieter you become the more you are able to hear”
– Rumi

About Marcy Westcott Founder of The Still State

Marcy Westcott is an entrepreneur, owner of Westcott Graphic Print, long time resident of Blanco, Texas, State Certified Texas Master Naturalist, environmental and animal rights advocate, and McLean Meditation Institute Certified Meditation & Mindfulness Teacher (CMMI).

Several years ago, after experiencing the effects of long term stress and anxiety, Marcy began to practice meditation. She quickly began to realize significant benefits to her physical, emotional, and metal well-being. As her practice deepened, she observed family and friends struggle with life’s challenges and pressures. She looked for accessible, secular meditation styles that might help them realize the same benefits she had in her own life. Marcy studied McLean Meditation Institute founder Sarah McLean’s meditation teachings and through them experienced more benefits to her mental, emotional, and physical health. This led to her hear the call to teach. After completing a rigorous 200 hr course culminating with an exhaustive 50 hr Intensive in Sedona, Arizona, she graduated from the renowned McLean Meditation Teacher Academy. Marcy is passionate about meditation and mindfulness and is dedicated and honored to help anyone discover the life changing benefits of establishing a meditation and mindfulness practice.